This survey concerns your perceptions about the SGSH module that you just completed. We are interested in your responses in order to improve this module for future students. Your responses will be confidential and your honest evaluation is greatly appreciated.
Please read each statement concerning the cardiovascular module you will learn and rate it using the following scale (1- Strongly disagree, 2- Disagree, 3- Neutral, 4- Agree, 5- Strongly Agree)

1 2 3 4 5
How much did you learn from this module (1-none 2-insufficient 3-neutral 4-sufficient 5-a great deal).
Module 3 - Part 1: I am confident that I can identify sex and gender differences in screening for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Module 3 - Part 2: I am confident that I can prescribe appropriate mediations for treating atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Module 3 - Part 3: I am confident that I can explain the sex and gender differences associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
A knowledge of the sex and gender differences associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease will be useful to me in my professional career.
It is important for me to learn the content of this module.
I think I am able to use what I learned from this module in other courses.
The sequence of the instructional activities in this module was logical and made sense to me.
The module activities were well designed to enhance my learning.
The module content was presented in a manner that enhanced my learning
I am very satisfied with the contents in this module.
The knowledge provided in this module is meaningful and important to me.
I would recommend this module to a colleague.