
You should now have a good understanding of Mrs. Jensen’s health situation. In the next section, you will learn some critical information from our experts that will help you to diagnose and prescribe a treatment plan for Mrs. Jensen.


However, keep in mind that our experts are not familiar with Mrs. Jensen, so they won’t be offering you specific advice about how to help her. It’s your job to apply what they tell you to Mrs. Jensen’s health situation.


Remember to refer to your notebook containing the patient questions you checked during the movie trailers in the previous page. Each question will guide you to pay attention to specific facts and concepts related to Mrs. Jensen’s symptoms. I suggest that you view these questions as your learning objectives for this module.

- Determine treatment implications of Mrs. Jensen’s rise in LDL cholesterol from 170 mg/dl to 195 mg/dl.

- Explain why simvastatin is not an optimal statin treatment for Mrs. Jensen.

- Define angiography.

- In light of Mrs. Jensen’s current symptoms and test results, identify any cardiac-related problems that Mrs. Jensen may be experiencing.

- Explain why angiography may lead to a misdiagnosis of heart problems in women.

- Considering Mrs. Jenson’s current medical situation, determine any changes that need to be made to her current treatment plan.

   After completing this module, you will be able to


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