
  Clinical Pharmacist

 1. Introduction

 2. Case Trailers

 3. Objectives

Let’s begin by reviewing a question we explored the last time we met: “How do you determine which intensity level of statin medication should be prescribed to a particular patient?”


You may recall that there are four patient groups, defined by specific criteria, that should receive statin therapy. You may also remember that each patient group should be given a statin classified by a specific intensity level (high, medium, or low).


Select a patient group to your right to review the appropriate statin intensity level for that group.


  When to Prescribe Which Statin Intensity Level: A Review

  • Group 1: Patients with clinical ASCVD

    Recommended Statin Level:


    High-Intensity Statin


  • Group 2: Patients with LDL-C > 190 mg/dL

    Recommended Statin Level:


    High-Intensity Statin

  • Group 3: Patients aged 40-75 y with diabetes and LDL-C 70-189 mg/dL

    Recommended Statin Level:


    Moderate-Intensity Statin

    or, if 10-year risk > 7.5%

    High-Intensity Statin


  • Group 4: Patients aged 40-75 y without diabetes and LDL-C 80-189 mg/dL

    Recommended Statin Level:


    Moderate-to High Intensity Statin if 10-year risk > 7.5%

    High-Intensity Statin



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